Category Archives: General

Spelling “inquire” not “enquire” in the PCE

A response to a question about why the PCE spells “inquire” not “enquire”.

First, the use of “inquire” or “enquire” is nothing to do with British or non-British spelling in the history KJB printing.

In the older Cambridge editions, and the Pure Cambridge Edition, the standardised spelling is “inquire”, and this is not an accident. The spelling “inquire” is the traditional Cambridge spelling.

When the Concord Edition was made by Cambridge, it took some Oxford Edition changes, including changing the spelling to “enquire” (this occurred in the mid 20th century).

Meanwhile Cambridge also obtained the Eyre and Spottiswoode publishers, and so they took the London Edition and created the “Standard Text Edition”.
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A response to a modern versionist

A response to a modern versionist:

You now think it is God’s will not to have a perfect version. Which means you are saying that God has deliberately chosen that error would always interfere with our Bibles, that is, that texts would never be 100% correct, and that translations would never be 100% accurate.

This means you are now saying it is God’s will that no Bible is exactly precisely perfect.

Your basis for your view is not any Scripture reference, not any doctrine derived from Scripture, but:

1) That you appeal to “historical support”, i.e. the empirical evidence of there being variations in copies, etc.

2) Next that of all the copies, there is sufficiency, that major doctrines are not absent, and

3) That you assert rationally, as based on your knowledge that humans are fallible and from the information of the previous two points that the KJB is not perfect in translation.
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A poem

Of old did Noah speak to his chosen,
To Shem and after him Japheth, his sons;
And from Japheth the isles of the gentiles,
His lordly son, nam’d Ashkenaz becomes!

Were they a little people so despised?
And yet rough caterpillars multiply,
Ancient Troy, the eastern guard of Asia,
Until Woden, to northern fastness fly.

Expand upon the shores of the Black Sea,
And then beyond boreal bounds their hand,
In icy wood and marish, axe men born,
Against iron Rome came they to England;

To Christ they turn’d, and to the world they rose;
Far by sea have they spread out, strong stand we,
Our tongue to give God’s Word to all nations;
Rising up with eagles’ wings, unweary.

(In honour of the faithful Protestants
And martyrs as recorded by John Foxe;
For still their blood speaks more than monuments,
Their deeds endure beyond the need for clocks!)

Vain Gog and his brigands despise and rob,
They fall to us in their shaking last end,
Melt down the scimitar! conquer darkness!
It is the call for Shem, to them we send.

By Matthew Verschuur