Category Archives: Editorial

Eastern Orthodox resist Protestantism

The Protestant Reformation has been around for over 500 years. There’s definitely been evangelism into Eastern Orthodox areas.

Many Catholic areas in northern Europe converted from Catholicism to Protestantism, but the Eastern Orthodox in their national contexts, have been resistant to Protestantism.

Protestantism did everything to help Britain resist the underlying ideologies of the French Revolution. The Enlightenment and today’s Infidelity (e.g. Secular Humanism) have not been able to fully take over all the English speaking nations, though there has been very significant compromise within and weakening of Protestantism. One can certainly argue convincingly and profess that enclaves and individuals of the best sort of Christianity are to be found within the English-speaking Christian world and its global missionary radius.

Eastern Orthodoxy is essentially Constantine’s, Theodosius’ and Justinian’s Christianity as it had become in 1054. It has not changed much over the centuries. Eastern Orthodoxy is far less different to Roman Catholicism than Protestantism is. However, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestants agree in rejecting the primacy of the Pope.

The Scripture teaches, “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:” (John 15:26). The Holy Ghost would indeed be leading people to Protestantism, if any would heed Him.

Not only have the Eastern Orthodox resisted Protestant truth, but the long influence of Communism and the Infidelity which is spewing out of the West is having a disastrous effect on them. Today’s mere ceremonial tradition and symbolic buildings hold sway, rather than any life changing Gospel revival.

But this is what the prophecy of Zechariah states, “Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.” (Zech. 6:8).

Propagandists say that there is a resurgence of Eastern Orthodoxy and a rising Christian civilisation in Eurasia. Sadly, it isn’t really true. Instead there’s continuing rejection of Protestantism.

There is a rising Christian civilisation in Australia and New Zealand, and that’s not because of golden domes being built, but because the Spirit of God is poured out. There are believers who are ministering the spirit (small “s”, see 2 Corinthians 3:6, cf Zech. 6:8).

Changes are happening behind the scenes because of the movement of times and seasons, and the prophetic angelic juncture in the spiritual realm.

The Bible is back, and there are believers who have their sickles out for harvest!

If any Eastern Orthodox believer will hear, let them convert to Word and Spirit Protestantism.

The turtle and the turtledove

Every word of God is pure (see Proverbs 30:5) which means that every word is important. Every distinct word is important. Seeing that our King James Bible is aligned directly with this Scriptural principle, we find that we can rely upon every word, even to the jot and tittle (see Matthew 5:18).

In Song of Solomon 2:12, we read about the turtle, “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land”.

Some mockers have said that turtles, the reptiles, do not make sound. However, the reference is clearly to birds. This is clear from the reference given above, and also that the turtle is in the list of birds at Jeremiah 8:7 and more importantly in comparing Leviticus 12:6 with verse 8 of the same chapter:

6 And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest:
7 Who shall offer it before the Lord, and make an atonement for her; and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood. This is the law for her that hath born a male or a female.
8 And if she be not able to bring a lamb, then she shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for her, and she shall be clean.

From this, it could be concluded that the turtle and the turtledove are synonymous. But this is not the end of the matter, for we now come to the deep question, Why is it “turtle” in one place, and “turtledove” in another? What is the reason for the distinction?

This is where we can truly appreciate the accuracy of the King James Bible.

We know from science that there are different species of turtledoves. We know that in the land of Israel today that the Streptopelia turtur is present, the European common turtledove, and Streptopelia decaocto, the Eurasian collared dove. The common turtledove is migratory, thus being the “turtle” of the Bible, whereas the closely related species, also in the turtledove genus, the collared dove, is present in large numbers in Israel and is a resident species. Both DNA and the scientific classification place these species in the turtledove category, regardless of their current common names. These can be interbred and produce hybrids.

From this, we can conclude from Scripture that either the turtle (the common turtledove) or the turtledove (the collared dove) were used for offerings at the temple.

It is important to note that the “turtle”, when called by its Latin name is “Streptopelia turtur”, which translates to “turtledove turtle”, for its call, “tur-tle”. Following is a photo of the turtle:


Following is a photo of a turtledove:


How generations have been lost

There was a family who lived in Melbourne who attended a Pentecostal Church. This was in the 1950s when they preached the Word and were strong against any kind of sinfulness.

We know, for example, that in the 1960s, Thomas Foster set up his CRC in Richmond. In those days, Pentecostals were using the King James Bible, and the Pure Cambridge Edition was in common use. The family that I am referring to actually had PCEs.

However, in the 1960s, there were massive attacks happening on Christianity through the Social Revolution, and the consequential Left-wing inspired attacks on the death penalty in Victoria, the Vietnam war in Australia and so on.

A young man growing up in that environment, in the family I am referring to, with Christians who actually had good beliefs, yet was seduced by the world, turned to sinfulness, promoted human rights and eventually became an atheist.

This young man went from Christianity to error in the following steps:
1. Embraced human rights activism/social revolution causes
2. Rejected the authority of the State
3. Turned to liberal theology
4. Embraced homosexuality
5. Believed evolution
6. Became an atheist

This is important to see in several ways. First, to see how temptation works as a seed by degrees.

The next point is one which contradicts some creationists, who say that basically evolution is the cause of many of today’s evils. At one time people did not believe in evolution, and did evil. As this man’s life illustrates, believing evolution only came at the end, it was actually accepting various errors about “causes” that first seduced him.

I doubt this young man had ever made a true profession of faith, but sort of was, like most, believing on his parents’ coattails.

I say this, because I was 14 when I was born again, and that was a decision independent to my own parents’ views. Evidentially, this young man at age 14 was essentially “converted” to the Left, and that seed of rebellion went the whole way to its full fruit.

This young man accepted a religion of the universal declaration of the human rights, because this is where the “power” of infidelity is based, in a human-based authority about human-derived freedoms.

So how is it that a good Christian family, who were filled with the Spirit, used the King James Bible, and spoke strongly against sins, yet brought up a son who rebelled entirely against this?

There’s a lot of children who have been abandoning the faith since the 1960s, and while the Church and families can be blamed for that, we also need to understand that in the world, the spirit of error has become very strong.

In those days Pentecostals viewed movies and television as evil. And in time, when they got a TV set, they would strongly restrict how much television the children could see. Often, young people who grow up feeling repressed would rebel. This was because Christians no long saw their religion as powerful, but rather thought that cutting off from the world would ensure purity and preservation of God’s tiny remnant.

While censorship and caution are commendable, the defeatist mentality and legalism were not right.

A truly born again person should not have internal longing for sin and carnality. The solution, therefore, would be to convert the children. This would require knowledgeable parents to instruct their children in the Lord. Sadly, the parents often were not knowledgeable, and this all the way back through the generations.

So then, the true solution would be a level of Christian education so that people who know the truth would be able to educate their children properly.

The most important spiritual movement we can ever see is where normal people are educated so as to educate their children properly.

Pr 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Heb 8:11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.


Mt 8:30 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.
Mt 8:31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
Mt 8:32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.

There is a hierarchy of spirits. When the legion of spirits, led by a spirit being called “Legion”, possessed a man, he went mad. That same being was able to enter into not only one being, but a group, a herd of pigs.

Those pigs, mere beasts, did not disperse as a group, but rather, as a group, in one accord, rushed straight into the water and drowned.

We know that those evil doers who do wickedly can become like animals, both physically (see 2 Samuel 23:20) and figuratively (see Matthew 25:33). People who do evil can become very low, and the Bible even calls such people beasts.

We read in the Bible of a man called Gog, leader of the people of Magog. But what would happen if devilish interference, so to speak, the hierarchy of devilish “surrogates” or “parasites” or “links” were made to the entire Magog nation, like how the devils entered into the herd of swine?

We must lay aside the wrong assumption that the devil is only the cause of madness. Could not an evil spirit be an intelligent being, a philosophical being, and could it not function in a certain kind of order? We should not assume that the devils are all chaos, because the account of the spirit of Tyrus.

Eze 28:3 Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee:
Eze 28:4 With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures:
Eze 28:5 By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches

Spirits do indeed operate in relation to nations, because when the angel fought the prince of Persia, Daniel was told that another spirit, the prince of Grecia would come. A godly man would not suggest that the Greeks were all possessed, but rather, that among the Greeks was found a devilish work: in the Greek kingdom of Syria, under Antiochus Epiphanes, this was certainly manifest.

The same can be said about the false religion of Islam.

This leads us to look at the Legion principle in relation to Gog, the spirit, and Gog, the rising leader of Russia, and that relationship with the spiritual outworking onto the people.

The rising leader of Russia then is a philosopher king who essentially embodies the spirit of Gog. However, this person is not detached, but rather, is connected to the people of Magog by the multitude of certain evil spirits.

As the fallen angels have a hierarchy, and as society itself has hierarchy, it leads to a kind of ordering of society, being obviously first, the leader. Under him directly is the class of the wise philosophers. The next is the class of the warrior knights. Then are craftsmen and farmers.

This requires a tremendous alteration in thinking, because it does away with “capital” and private property, and extols the virtue of extreme ego and talent.

Now, we know that God can and is pouring out His spirit, and that spirit can be throughout a nation for good. How much better and well ordered is a nation then where God is at work, not the devil.

Joe 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Joe 2:29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

That spirit or spiritual environment of openness to God, is of course of the Holy Ghost.

Fighting the cultural war

Bill Muehlenberg runs a website

His views are fairly typical of serious Protestants from recent years.

On his site, he has tried to attack Infidelity. He has done this largely by confronting various social issues. This is like trying to kill a hydra by cutting at its heads.

Here’s how the battle used to be illustrated by Protestants:

This image from the old Creation Science Foundation should have put “Infidelity” as the foundation of the bad side, and added the flag of evolution to the castle. On the other side, “God’s word” is the actual foundation.

The way to really defeat the issues is to get the right foundation (on our side) and to strike at the foundation of the other side.

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3).

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6a).

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According to Russian Eurasianist geopolitical articles from, Protestantism is somehow the “real” enemy of Russia. This is highlighted in an article called “The Crusade Against Us” by A. Dugin and “The Christian Right” by G. Krupey dated 16 May 2018.

This will examined and countered by a Protestant view which views multiple fulfilments of Bible prophecy and is by nature divine interventionist, geopolitical, ideological and providentialist as presented on by M. Verschuur. argues that Liberalism as backed by America is not mere pluralism, but a tyrannical ideology. argues that the pervading ideology manifest in Liberalism is Infidelity, and that Infidelity is of spiritual antichrist. claims that Liberalism has a hidden layer or basis, one which is theological and religious, that is, Protestant eschatology. But says that this is incorrect. Infidelity and Liberalism, which is the basis of the infidelity of the Enlightenment and Modernism, is actually based on the work of Catholics, Jews, Deists, Freemasons and apostate Protestants. One can therefore not justly accuse Protestantism itself of being responsible, though apostate Protestants, ones who departed from Protestant traditions, are highly culpable.

“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” (1 John 2:19).

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Fats or vats: does spelling matter?


A certain King James Bible only teacher said, “Some critics like to point to Joel 3:13 where some KJBs read ‘fat’ while others read ‘vats’ as proof the KJB is flawed. Who are these people and what is the answer?” (The word “fat” is the Biblical spelling of was is today spelled a “vat”, which is used in wine making.)

Of course, there are critics of the King James Bible who would indeed seek to cast doubt on the accuracy of the King James Bible and would want to undermine the continuing use of it. They would ask which is correct, should it be “fats” or “vats”? And if some King James Bibles have been printed with one spelling (most have “fats”), and some with another (a few more recent examples have “vats”), they then seek to undermine the Bible itself. If we are supposed to believe that the Bible is the Word of God, what is it, is it “fats” or is it “vats”?

But this KJBO teacher made a presentation where he said that there were King James Bible people who were using a spelling variation maybe to unintentionally condemn people or maybe to promote the particular printing ministry associated with their church. That is not the way Christian charity (love in action) should work, as the KJBO teacher rightly addressed this issue. But sadly, like many of the older KJBOs, he did not quite rightly explain or understand the “fats” versus “vats” issue, because although he said he was against modernising spelling today, he said that the smallest unit of preservation was only words, not letters or parts of words (which would relate to spelling, etc.).

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What is the Hephzi-bah doctrine?

What is the Hephzi-bah doctrine?

2 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.
3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.
4 Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzi-bah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.

The future of the people of God is a blessed state. The Church is likened here to be as a crown, glorious and authoritative. The latter days glory for the Church is likened to be a blessed land, which is what the word “Hephzi-bah” describes.

8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.

12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:

The BRANCH can be taken as a symbol, and it follows that it can be taken as an the acronym, each letter representing a word and concept: Book, Remnant, A pure language, Nation, Communication and Harvest.

Further, in the Hephzi-bah doctrine, it follows the idea of four civilisational areas coming together to a central point in the Church Restitution, which are: Religion, Nation, Politics and Culture.

First, the BRANCH:

Book. This says that there is one Bible which is exactly, precisely perfect, to be made the common heritage of the whole world generally. This is the King James Bible, specifically, the Pure Cambridge Edition. This book shows us the name of God, JEHOVAH.

Remnant. This says that Church history has been working towards the triumph of the Christian church in the latter days, and that even now there are believers and the gathering of proper doctrines (e.g. proper Pentecostalism), for unity of faith.

A pure language. This says that English is spreading abroad so that world missionisation can occur by English-speakers, that not only has English been prepared to be able to conceptually convey the Gospel, but that it is out there as the means for using the best Bible in the world for evangelism.

Nation. That among all nations, particularly the union of Australia and New Zealand are to be used of God, and for the conversion of the Jews, and great worldwide revival.

Communication. This says that the communication technology being prepared, infrastructure built and transportation possibilities at hand, that this message may reach the whole earth.

Harvest. This says that all the seeds sown must come to fruition, and that we are to reap them, at the set time and season, even at the fall of Gog.

There are, in every category of our civilisational Christian Exceptionalism, two strands which must come together, so that in religion, the highest two separate forms of King James Bible only and Word of Faith must come together in the Word and Spirit Movement; that nationally, Australia and New Zealand must come together in Pacific Union; that politically the Whig and Tory traditions must come together in the Restoration of the Commonwealth, that is, national Christianity in a new spiritual British Empire so-to-speak; and that Australia has historically benefited and is the child of both Britain and America, to perpetuate what is good in our cultural influence in the world, that is, our Manifest Destiny.

The convergence of these four movements, i.e. Word and Spirit, Pacific Union, Restore the Commonwealth and Manifest Destiny are central to Church Restitution.

This thinking follows on from the progress of Joseph Mede, John Milton, the Hartlib Circle, etc. and with emphasis on Oliver Cromwell.

It is a belief in the Church Restitution, where all the seed sown of history must be harvested, and what the devil has stolen must be restored seven-fold.

It is a belief in Bible prophecy applying not just to the past or future, but to the present, particularly, the relevance of the New Testament understanding of the Old Testament to the present.

It is, unashamedly, a creationist and providentialist view that builds upon notions put forward by Cromwell, Josiah Strong, Churchill and others, that says that the people of Ashkenaz, that is, particularly the Anglo-Saxon civilisation, is to be used of God in this mighty way in the latter days, not after the measure of the flesh, but after measure of the spiritual, particularly for upcoming outpouring of the Spirit for all nations and for the conversion of the Jews.

It says that we are those who hold aloft an ensign to the nations, we sound the call of the trumpet. It says that every one of those verses of Scripture, too numerous to quote, are coming to pass, when all these things are “finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” (Rev. 10:7).

The Hephzi-bah doctrine is a millenarian view about our heritage and destiny, how we are vessels fit for the Master’s use. It puts us as the victors over Eastern Antichrist and as having the greatest responsibility for accomplishing the fullest measure of the Gospel, the outworking of grace for release and refreshing, so that the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.