In my books at you will notice that I identify the movement known as Infidelity as the root of Modernism and various false ideologies today. This fact is known (more or less) by believing Protestant scholars (there are not many of these left).
The great break that the Infidelity of the Enlightenment got was the French Revolution. While English-speaking societies resisted the Infidelity of the French Revolution, it slowly seeped into the English-speaking West more and more, so that since the late 1960s it basically took over. Just look at the social revolution of circa 1968.
Now Rabbi Sacks (in the video) does identify some of these facts, and indeed sees that the godless approach (as manifested through what some Christian Fundamentalists term “secular humanism”) has indeed usurped a place in our society and culture, and is an enemy ideology which is now dominating Britain and America.
This also explains why many so-called Conservatives have shifted away from a Biblically-based worldview to one based on Enlightenment error (e.g. the philosopher J. S. Mill).
Libertarianism is the enemy of traditional Christianity. “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Cor. 3:17). It didn’t say that liberty was with the philosophers or with the rabbis (see 1 Cor. 2). The Christian Gospel is the solution to the problem Rabbi Sacks (in the video) identifies. The Christian Gospel says that the Jews who are now dimly aware shall be turned fully to the Christian Gospel. “Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.” (2 Cor. 3:16). They will understand the truth clearly and interpret the Scripture correctly when the vail is removed.