There are Conservatives who are against Islam. That’s great. But some are against in wrong ways. We will go through some of these wrong approaches.
The first way that some Conservatives are wrong about the Muslim religion is that they want to deny it is a religion. They want to deny this because the Australian Constitution says that laws cannot be made about religions, and if Islam is not a religion, it can be banned. However, that is a weak way of dealing with enemy ideas, because it would require the use of deception and would mean that Christianity could not deal with Islam head to head.
The second way that some Conservatives are wrong about Islam is that they say it is a political ideology, whereas they imply Christianity is not. This is untrue. Those who say that Australia is secular and therefore the Government has no right to impose religion are wrong. Those who say that Islam is bad because it wants to establish itself by changing our way of life, and change our culture, are both hypocritical and in denial. Hypocritical because secularism is an ideology which stems from Enlightenment philosophy which certainly has every intention of influencing thought. And denial, because Christianity as both the manifest history and the avowed aim to change our way of life and our culture. True Christianity manifests very much through a political ideology.
So, we need to go beyond Conservatism. Conservatism is trying to hold on to the past, but is relenting to changes to traditions at a slow pace. Conservatism is too weak to deal with Islam, it would reject it, but does not go far enough in action against Islam with a more powerful idea. The most powerful idea that can destroy another wrong idea is Christianity.
Ac 19:18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.
Ac 19:19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
Ac 19:20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
Christianity demands more than Conservatism would. In the scenario above, the new Christians destroyed their evil books. They weren’t engaged in half measures. The Gospel to any person does not coexist with Islam. The Gospel drive in the nation cannot share the glory with other ideologies.
Today’s Conservatives are starting to sound like they are half-Marxist. It’s time to be 100% Christian.