Dubious developers of Modern Textual Criticism

There are essentially four views in regard to how we approach the Biblical text:
1. Tradition (e.g. Vulgate), i.e. what has passed down ecclesiastically
2. Reception (e.g. Textus Receptus), i.e. what has come to us through divine providence
3. Majority (e.g. Majority Text), i.e. what can be discerned empirically to have the most and best attestation
4. Reason (e.g. Modern Critical Text), i.e. what can be discerned rationally from eclectic sources to have the most probable primacy

Pure tradition was rejected in the Reformation, as tradition plus a believing analysis of afforded limited information was thought to be a sufficient basis for arriving at a correct text.

The Majority view and the Reason views put emphasis on what humans know, that is, as more manuscripts were discovered, it could be better known to the human mind what was probably the correct, original reading.

The King James Bible Only view is on the spectrum at 2. The Byzantine tradition is going from 1 to 4, while neo-Byzantine tradition is at number 3.
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Overcoming the Reign of Error

One modern textual critic told me, “The difference between KJV Onlyists and the rest of Protestantism is that we believe in the God who overcomes human error, while you believe in the one who must prevent it.”

What he means is that he thinks God is at work, despite human error; whereas, he thinks that we think the work of God is to stop human error.

This is not quite right: modern versionists believe in prevailing error, though at least some believe that God is scarcely saving them. They also wrongly think that we think that basically God made the KJB by divine inspiration.

Here is what I concluded in my response:

God does not prevent human error, it exists. We just deny its right to rule over us.

“and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4b).

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Comparing Fox’s Book of Martyrs to the original


The history of D. Rouland Taylour, which suffered for the truth of Gods word, vnder the tyranny of the Romayne Byshop. 1555. the 9. day of February.

THe towne of Hadley was one of the first that receaued the worde of God in all Englande at the preachinge of M. Thomas Bilney: By whose industrye the Gospell of Christ had such gracious successe, and took such root there, that a great number of that parishe became exceeding wel learned in the holye scriptures, as well women as men: so that a man might haue found among them many that had often read the whole Bible through, and that coulde haue sayd a great part of S. Paules epistles by hart, and very wel & readily haue geuen a godly learned sentence in any matter of controuersie. Their children and seruantes were also brought vp and trayned so dilligently in þe right knowledge of Gods worde, that the whole towne seemed rather an Vniuersitie of þe learned, then a town of Clothmaking or labouring people: And that most is to be commended, they were for the more part faythfull followers of Gods word in their liuing.

In this towne was D. Rouland Taylor, Doctour in both the Ciuill and Canon lawes, and a right perfect Diuine, parson. Who at his first entring into his benefice, …


The town of Hadleigh, in Suffolk, was one of the first that received the word of God in all England, by the preaching of Master Thomas Bilney; by whose industry the gospel of Christ had such gracious success, and took such root, that a great number in that parish became well learned in the holy scriptures, as well women as men, so that there were among them many that had often read the whole Bible through, and that could have said a great part of St. Paul’s epistles by heart; and very well and readily have given a godly judgment in any matter of controversy. Their children and servants were also brought up and trained so diligently in the right knowledge of God’s word, that the whole town seemed rather a university of the learned than a town of cloth-making or labouring people; and, what is more to be commended, they were for the most part faithful followers of God’s word in their living.

Dr. Rowland Taylor, doctor of both the civil an canon law, and a right perfect divine, was parson of this town Hadleigh; and at his first entering into his benefice …


The town of Hadley was one of the first that received the Word of God in all England. The Gospel of Christ had such gracious success, and took root there, that a great number of that parish became exceeding well learned in the Holy Scriptures, as well women as men, so that a man might have been found among them many, that had often read the whole Bible through, and that could have said a great sort of St Paul’s Epistles by heart, and very well and readily have given a godly learned sentence in any matter of controversy. Their children and servants were also brought up and trained so diligently in the right knowledge of God’s Word, that the whole town seemed rather a University of the learned, than a town of cloth-making or labouring people; and (what most is to be commended) they were for the more part faithful followers of God’s Word in their living.

In this town was Dr Rowland Taylor, who at his first entering into his benefice …


Dr. Rowland Taylor, vicar of Hadley, in Suffolk, was a man of eminent learning, and had been admitted to the degree of doctor of the civil and canon law.

Faith is a work

I heard a recording of a young fellow who was trying to preach about faith get hopelessly confused by saying that the opposite of faith is the law. According to his view, the opposite is not doubt, not unbelief, but the law! Perhaps he doesn’t realise, but the word “obedience” is only in the New Testament!

Here’s the truth:

1. We keep the law by faith, “So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God” (Rom. 7:25b). “That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8:4).

2. As Christians, we are supposed to do works, “But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” (James 2:20).

3. Faith believing is a work, “Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” (John 6:29).

It is true that you cannot earn salvation by works. And it would be correct to point out that faith does not mean doing things merely in human strength. Confessing the victory needs to come out of a believing heart, otherwise making a thousand confessions is meaningless. But faith demands effort, there is no such thing as having faith but being passive. Resting in God is an active decision, not an excuse for laziness or apathy.

A poem

Of old did Noah speak to his chosen,
To Shem and after him Japheth, his sons;
And from Japheth the isles of the gentiles,
His lordly son, nam’d Ashkenaz becomes!

Were they a little people so despised?
And yet rough caterpillars multiply,
Ancient Troy, the eastern guard of Asia,
Until Woden, to northern fastness fly.

Expand upon the shores of the Black Sea,
And then beyond boreal bounds their hand,
In icy wood and marish, axe men born,
Against iron Rome came they to England;

To Christ they turn’d, and to the world they rose;
Far by sea have they spread out, strong stand we,
Our tongue to give God’s Word to all nations;
Rising up with eagles’ wings, unweary.

(In honour of the faithful Protestants
And martyrs as recorded by John Foxe;
For still their blood speaks more than monuments,
Their deeds endure beyond the need for clocks!)

Vain Gog and his brigands despise and rob,
They fall to us in their shaking last end,
Melt down the scimitar! conquer darkness!
It is the call for Shem, to them we send.

By Matthew Verschuur

Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJB!