Is the KJV Bible 'inspired'?

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Re: Is the KJV Bible 'inspired'?

Postby GRD » 26 Sep 2016, 08:48

Karl wrote:...
Otherwise if it is "just a translation' then the KJV (PCE) is 'NOT INSPIRED' and is merely the work of man.

More like the KJB is the preservation of God's inspired word?
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Re: Is the KJV Bible 'inspired'?

Postby bibleprotector » 26 Sep 2016, 16:08

The KJB was not made by inspiration.
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Re: Is the KJV Bible 'inspired'?

Postby Karl » 27 Sep 2016, 06:57

Hi Matthew,

In your book 'Guide to the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible' you made a statement in the preface.

"that the King James Bible was the word perfect Word of God in English"

So, could you explain to me why the KJV is not 'inspired'?

Thank you
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Re: Is the KJV Bible 'inspired'?

Postby bibleprotector » 28 Sep 2016, 11:20

Having the Scripture in English precisely and exactly is what I believe.

I also have said that the KJB was not made by inspiration. The translators of the KJB were not inspired.

The perfect words of God being in English is because of divine providence, and because of Scripture promises that we should have the Scripture properly.
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