What dictionaries in good in an understanding the Bible's difficult words?
Oxford English Dictionary and the Websters 1828 Dictionary?
What is definition of an unicorn and a dragon?
Lena01 wrote:A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson (prescriptive)
The American College Dictionary by Clarence L. Barnhart
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
Black's Law Dictionary, a law dictionary
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Canadian Oxford Dictionary
Century Dictionary
Chambers Dictionary
Collins English Dictionary
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English / Longman
Macmillan Dictionary
Macquarie Dictionary, a dictionary of Australian English
Merriam-Webster, a dictionary of American English
New Oxford Dictionary of English
Oxford Dictionary of English
Oxford English Dictionary (descriptive)
Random House Dictionary of the English Language
Further information: Comparison of English dictionaries
Hello everyone , there are different types of dictionaries. )
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