Monograph Series

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Monograph Series

Postby bibleprotector » 28 Sep 2018, 01:03

The following series of monographs by Matthew Verschuur, copyright 2018, are made available.


Spiritual Nobility

Christians are called up to be high. This monograph explores spiritual nobility and gives a Biblical basis for a traditional view of education.


Seven Spiritual Principles

Understanding the universe and spiritual mechanics is possible. Every Christian should know how to utalise these laws and help in accomplishing God's plan for the Church in the Earth.



The fall of Eastern Antichrist is associated with a great hail. This is prophesied from ancient times in Scripture, that the hail must come, crushing enemies of God.

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Monograph Series

Postby bibleprotector » 28 Sep 2018, 22:17

Liberalism Destroyed

Infidelity is resisting Christianity on every front. It seems to have blanketed all, like a flood. It is time for the Spirit of God to come in and raise a standard. This monograph gives hope for the people of God, that they may be great again.


The Fourth Prophetic View

Assyria in Bible prophecy points forward to our own day. The Old Testament has a whole scenario in it which is about to explode in world history. Some patterns are laid out which point to God's plan.



There are a lot of lessons to learn from the Puritans, and the vision they had about God's work in the latter days is highly commendable. This monograph is about realising that plan.

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Monograph Series

Postby bibleprotector » 30 Sep 2018, 01:55

Here is one convenient link:
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