All posts by bibleprotector

Withstanding Russian aggression

It is right to stand against Russian aggression, though we know the Scripture says, “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Matthew 24:7a).

It is common knowledge that Russia never ended its cold war espionage operations, and that it has been working to expand its influence and sphere of dominion. Ezekiel 38 & 39 shows a near future great expansion of Russian military and economic power for a short period of history.

Thankfully, we are told, “yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” (Daniel 11:45b). So we are on the right side.

Extreme modernism in the “churches” and their communistic allies


The once godly and great Methodist Church in Australia has now largely become a pro-Left-wing organisation. The Roman Catholic institution is also bitterly divided between the Leftists in its midst. What’s dangerous about these Leftists is that they are like a fifth column, undermining patriotism and the Australian way. They are certainly anti- everything we believe and stand for. Name any issue, and they will take a polar opposite position to ours.

One especially dangerous trend that has been occurring is the so-called “Refugee Advocacy” movement. This is basically a Left-wing operation within our own nation to bring in as many unwanted illegal immigrants as possible. These people are constantly operating against our security services and other such authorities in trying to circumvent every lawful and proper measure in order to flood Australia with undesirable people.

The Left have hijacked words like “justice” and “compassion” to mean their anti-Biblical worldview. Apparently it is good, in their view, not only to destroy the Australian culture and way of life, but also to uphold a different, communistic-inspired program. As a Christian, I pray for these multitudes of Left-wing enemies, that they would repent of their evil ways. However, as the Bible also shows, divine judgment does come upon them. We should also support the idea of the Government’s authority to stop the Left’s encroachment. This means we should pray for good Government too, as the Scripture says,

I EXHORT therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
(1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Good Christians are getting it wrong in the area of modern versions

If you start from Scripture, you will believe that God’s truth must be present today, and that we can and should have access to His words perfectly. There are plenty of verses to show this.

But many Christians have been told to think otherwise, that the transmission of Scripture should be viewed as a mere naturalistic process. In that approach, they will decided what words belong in Scripture by a rationalistic argument about empirical evidence. In other words, they are rooted in what they see (i.e. old manuscripts and fragments) and a seemingly plausible story made about them.

Here is but one passage showing that we should have God’s words properly today:

Ro 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
Ro 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:

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Syria, Egypt and Bible prophecy about the end times

The Bible prophesies that Damascus is to be reduced dramatically.

“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” (Isaiah 17:1).

Current world events show that that this prophecy is well underway to being fulfilled. The Syrian city of Aleppo is already being reduced to rubble.

That same passage speaks of the diaspora of the Syrians. Multitudes of Syrians are being scattered all over the Earth.

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Explaining the word “spirit” lower case

This is an email I wrote to someone asking questions about the word “spirit” and why it is sometimes lower case in the King James Bible (PCE). My correspondence here is a bit rough and ready, but that’s because it’s real.

Starting from a believing, assured view is going to be a helpful thing for you, rather than just “trying to figure” it out.

First, the examples like Judges 3:10 and many others are where a person has a specific anointing come upon them.

Whereas, the examples like Numbers 24:2 and 27:18 are, in the first reference, where a person has insight from God, but is exercising their own spirit, and in the second reference where Joshua was conformed to a godly heart and attitude.

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Slamming a James White supporter

If all translations “teach the same thing” then they are all equal; but if “some modern versions are better than others and he sympathizes with KJ only advocates concerning some of atrocious modern translations”, then they clearly do not teach the same thing. This is because the quality of a translation will be having an effect on content/concepts. Thus, all translations are not equal, they do not teach the same thing. James White is therefore wrong to say that they all teach the same thing (i.e. that they are in that way equal). The accusations against KJB are false anyway. “What he takes issue with [is] the belief that the KJB is the only viable or even inspired version of scripture.” I take issue with that too. And that’s not what KJBOs believe. Maybe a very few do, but to say that KJBO is wrong because of that is basically to malign and misrepresent KJBO.

Also, you say, “Its the fallacy of equivocation to speak of the KJB translation and the inspired text of scripture as the same thing.” What you are saying is that that the KJB is not Scripture, because the KJB was not made by inspiration. Whereas, we know that the KJB was not made by inspiration, but we know it is Scripture, and that Scripture itself is inspired by its very nature. Now, probably, you are making a difference between the process of inspiration (the making of the autographs) and the nature of inspiration (the words being spirit and life). The fact is that the inspired words of Scripture are to be found in Bibles of many kinds, whether Latin or whatever, because they are Scripture. Now, even though the KJB was not made by inspiration, the argument about transmission is that it has recovered the correct text by Providence, and likewise made an exact English translation. In this way, the KJB has today what exactly was written by Paul or whoever, only that the KJB is in English, and has all the Canon together. The problem is that modern infidelity / liberal modernism has invaded many Christians’ thinking. They think that we cannot have a perfect Bible today because Enlightenment philosophy disallows the possibility of such an occurrence/phenomenon.

To suggest that we must doubt the Scripture about God’s preservation of His words, and God’s ability, simply because of the carnal, rationalistic, sight-based exercises of modern scholarship is unspiritual absurdity. We are to rely on God’s provision, not on the revisionist, relativistic and rationalistic scholarship which denies Scripture promises about transmission. They say that we must look at the oldest extant MS copies, because that is what they are stuck with: the idea that error is prevailing, entropy is ruling and ignorance is reigning. Whereas, we begin from the Scripture itself, what it says about itself, and the promise that God has been able to supply it to us properly. This idea that the Church since the days of Constantine has not had the Bible properly, and that we must turn to near autograph copies for authority is putting your faith in that theory and in pieces of vellum/papyrus, not in the very power of the words themselves which have come to the ends of the earth.

Getting the house in order

It is sad how the attack on the national influence of the Bible is being led by some so called “evangelical” Christians.

For example, left-wing advocate, Jim Wallis (who pretends not to be left wing), is on side with enemies of the Christian faith (e.g. communists), protesting against war, exalting the humanistic “human rights”, rejecting free enterprise and so on.

The Scripture says, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17).

Those who have exalted “social justice” above Biblical traditional conservative values are in danger of divine judgment.

That such rubbish is sold in Christian book catalogues and taught in churches surely deserves to be thrown out, spewed out (as Jesus warned of the Laodiceans), “For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up” (Psalm 69:9a).

“Cultures are not all equal,” says former Australian PM

The civilising influence of Christianity is quite different to the backwardness and brutality that exists within certain Islamic circles.

Just as there is a true form of Christianity, so is there a true evil face of Islam. That is, when Christianity is taken to its ultimate form, there is peace, Reformation, prosperity, healing, respect and holiness. But when Islam is taken to its ultimate form, we see what destruction it brings.

Former Australian PM, Tony Abbott, wrote an opinion piece stating, “Cultures are not all equal. We should be ready to proclaim the clear superiority of our culture to one that justifies killing people in the name of God.”

Of course, the “god” of Islam, Allah, is nothing like the Christian God.

So the solution that the right-leaning secularists or conservative Roman Catholics (and too many Protestants) give is untenable. They say, with Abbott, that Islam needs some sort of religious Reformation, and worse, that this would lead to acceptance of a separation of Church and state, and pluralism.

Let’s agree that this view is superior to those of the communist side of politics.

But the solution for Islam is not any Reformation but this: “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” (Phil. 2:10).

Again, the solution for Islamic violence is not secularism. While secularism has done a lot to pacify religions, including Roman Catholicism, the ultimate solution must be another religion. Ideas must be fought with ideas, but the ideas of secularism are not positive.

There must be a proper union of proper Protestant Christianity with the state. This is the best historical model, no matter what time of history we examine, such as, the fourth century Roman Empire, the English Reformation, Cromwell’s Protectorate, Pitt’s Britain or pre-1960s USA.

We should have a patriotic toward our country, we should have an execeptionalist view toward the civilising effects of Christianity within our national culture.
