All posts by bibleprotector

A new strong Russia

ANDREW BOLT: John, it struck me, that the only reason Russia, alone on the Security Council, would vote to stop an independent inquiry into how that plane was shot down (Australians died), is that it knows who shot it down, and it knows it would be fingered.

JOHN ROSKAM: And that sounds right. And what Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop have done is outstanding; it has led the world; Australians should be proud of what we’ve done. And what Russia’s done is just so disappointing.

ANDREW BOLT: But it’s [a] frightening glimpse into what a new strong Russia — its role in the world.

JOHN ROSKAM: A new geo-politics of Russia in the Ukraine, Russia in Eastern Europe, facing a weakened, softened United States.

ANDREW BOLT: A deliberately weakened and softened United States.