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Postby pastorpatrick » 19 Aug 2015, 05:31

You have probably already observed this, and I might be wrong, but it appears as though the words "thy" and "thine" follow the same pattern as "a" and "an" in that "thy" precedes words beginning with consonants and "thine" precedes words beginning with vowels (e.g. Mark 9:42,45,47 "thy hand" "thy foot" "thine eye"). Let me know if this is right, or if you find any counter-examples.
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Re: thy/thine

Postby bibleprotector » 22 Aug 2015, 13:38

That is right. When a word begins with an "h", then it can be either way, "a house", "an house", "thy house", "thine house".

However, the "thine" and "thy" usage also has to do with subject and object.
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Re: thy/thine

Postby Leesajohnson » 11 Jul 2018, 16:21

I didn't use these words thy/thine in English. Both 'a', 'an' and 'the' articles are used in sentence structure.
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