The KJB is best

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The KJB is best

Postby bibleprotector » 26 May 2014, 22:53

Why the KJB is the best Bible today: An answer to those who claim otherwise.

“Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read” (Isaiah 34:16a).

It must be affirmed with the general view at the time of the Reformation, that the Scripture given is the Word of God, and that the Scripture has gone forth in many copies, and was made into many translations. The Scripture is final authority. However, nowhere in the Bible do we find a prohibition upon having the Scripture in one final, standard, supersuccessionary form. Neither is it mandatory that various translations should be upheld, and there is absolutely nothing to uphold that multiple versions or translations should persist all being concurrently correct, or generally correct. We find that since the Word of God is exclusive, true and single, so likewise should the manifestation of it in time so exhibit the same nature. That is, that while the Scripture does not explicitly state what the final, standard, supersuccessionary Bible is, it should be clear to those who have a heart to seek God’s truth. It is the King James Bible. Thus, to abandon the allusions, inferences and prophecies of Scripture is to enter a false basis of reasoning.

There is no single Greek text in existence which is the basis to the King James Bible. Therefore, anyone comparing the English Bible to the Greek will always find fault, because there is no perfect, final, standard Greek text. When the King James Bible was made, it was done in relation to a collection of Greek manuscripts and many other sources. The Greek texts, which had been collated by Protestant-sympathetic scholar, Erasmus, were printed, corrected, and further printed, including further work by other men, who consulted many sources, including the Latin, to formulate their relatively accurate (though slightly differing) printed works. (Those wishing to attack these works either concoct history to make them appear poor, or else jump at any historical tit-bit which they can extract and twist to improve their story of how bad the Reformation scholarship was: and surely Roman Catholic sources would indeed oblige such an inquiry!)

The King James Bible itself went through seven notable forms, that is, six important revisions. The revisions were never altering the text or translation, only aspects of the presentation, such as correcting typographical errors, standardising the spelling and introducing other regularisation. Altogether, this comes to a few thousand slight word changes. Since the King James Bible was not inspired, but rather, accurately created and translated, and further purified in regards things like the print work and spelling, the result is a purified book.

Sometimes, some words used in the King James Bible may be rare or hard. However, no word has lost its meaning, and no meaning has changed. The point is that Christians must STUDY the Scripture, and SUFFER the Holy Ghost to give insight (which He is well able to do). Since we are reading God’s Word in English, we do not have to defer upon the Greek or Hebrew, or think that God failed to get His Word accurate into English.

Not only are there no errors of translation in the King James Bible, but those who accuse of errors are easily proved to be wrong. For example, Matthew 23:24 says “strain at a gnat”, which is the exact terminology used around the year 1600, and has a very express and particular meaning which is entirely vindicatable.

When the King James Bible was first made, it was generally received. This trend has continued throughout the years, making it the most popular version of all time. Its timeless English, which was comprehensible, yet “old” to those of 1611, is just as much for today, in like manner. There is simplicity to God’s truth, and yet complexity. It is the same Scripture today as when it was first written, and therefore we do not impose false standards onto the past, and then claim that the King James Bible does not match them.

It is a stumblingblock to those who attempt to resist God’s providence that one English Bible should be final, standard and supersuccessionary for all the world. Those who reject the King James Bible only in favour of modern versions are viewing everything as tainted, as though error is present and all-powerful. But God, who gave His Word perfectly, has also caused His Word to be gathered out of history. Some Bibles had flaws or impurities does not mean that God was not able to, in time, present the Bible exactly. Since He has chosen English to do it to reach the world, we must conform to His way, and promulgate the truth and extend missionary endevour to this end, that all the Church in all the world may unite in and on one truth.

Sadly, many good and true Christians have been sorely deceived into abandoning their heritage. It is apparent that Anglicans, Calvinists, Evangelicals or Pentecostals are all beset by this same error, rejecting the King James Bible only, and running after other words.

It is apparent that God has only one Word, and that all the differences between the King James Bible and modern versions makes one or other correct. Either the King James Bible is right to have words and verses in, or the modern versions right to doubt or remove them. No one should be deceived to think that doctrine is not affected by having different words. Changing one or a few words changes a concept, how much more do modern versions undermine, weaken and alter the true faith by their myriad differences! In time, it would be difficult for a person to be a true Christian and yet stay away from the King James Bible.

This overview, in answer to those who argue otherwise, should show why the King James Bible is better than modern versions, and why it is self-consistent view. To use the King James Bible only is a Scripturally consistent view: there are many passages which can be cited to show how it is the only proper way to live for God on Earth today.
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